FS2002 - Grumman TBF-1 Avenger
This is the CFS2 AI aircraft, Grumman TBF-1
Avenger in blue Navy textures with "AIR" file
changes so that the aircraft will be flyable
in FS2002. Special FS2002 "FX" and Smoke
effects added Based on the work of Owen Hewitt
and Nibbio.. All aircraft textures have been updated
and are in WW II livery. This aircraft is from CFS2 and
modified for FS2002. Uses P-47d Panel. All flight surfaces
are moveable, transparent cockpit, detailed flight crew,
rear machine guns, retractable landing gear, enhanced
engine start smoke, exhaust smoke trail or white smoke trail,
rolling wheels, ground steerable. "Air" file by Adam Warren,
update by Bob Bongiovanni.
